Year: 2023

  • Grant received from The Church of Sweden

    Grant received from The Church of Sweden

    We (Gabriel Widing & Áron Birtalan) are excited to announce that our project 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆’𝒔 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 is one of the awardees for The Church of Sweden’s cultural prize in 2023. The award consists of a grant that will help us in the initial stage of the project, studying, rehearsing, wayward dreaming. ⛓️ ✨ 🪨 🔥…

  • In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    Inter Arts Center “a platform for artistic research and experimentation” are very into games and play these days. Me and Nea Landin performed Mobilized there at Immersive days #3: Agents in Play. In the aftermaths i had the pleasure of giving a short improvised talk and enter a dialogue with Christer Lundahl and Martina Seitl.…

  • The Abyss Between Our Hands – with Áron Birtalan

    The Abyss Between Our Hands – with Áron Birtalan

    On October 20th we will host a seminar and a reading night, exploring technologies of intimacy in artistic practice and mystical theology. Artistic practice and mysticism have both been ways where the unknowable and the unreliable can be touched, felt, communed with. They denote a space where the lines between affective, sensual and intellectual collapse,…

  • MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game

    MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game

    Mobilized is a participatory performance exploring the power and potential of the smart phone. Rather than asking you to turn it off when entering the theatre, we ask you to keep it ready for use. Your phone will be the portal that takes you and other audience members into the constructed reality of the piece.…

  • Inferno speed date

    Inferno speed date

    Together with Nea Landin I have designed and coded a speed date web app. It was commissioned for Kulturnatten (Museums’ night) at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. Inspiration came from Dante’s Divine Comedy, where the protagonist wander through the different circles in Hell. The participant start off by choosing what deadly sin they are under the influence of.…

  • Datenight på domens dag (Kulturnatten, Kulturhuset)

    Datenight på domens dag (Kulturnatten, Kulturhuset)

    På Kulturnatten, 22 april, 2023 blir det ny-designad, ny-kodad speeddate på Kulturhuset i Stockholm Kom med på en infernalisk speed-date och lär känna nya vänner, älskare och småjävlar. Din mobil (detta djävulens påfund) kommer att leda dig och de andra förtappade själarna på plats genom en serie rykande möten och situationer. Speed-daten är skapad och…

  • Ekstasis på Storytech

    Ekstasis på Storytech

    Vi visar Ekstasis på endags-konferensen Storytech i Gävle 11 maj 2023.

  • THE IMAGINING BODY: Freestanding course at SKH

    THE IMAGINING BODY: Freestanding course at SKH

    Applications are open for a freestanding 7.5p course at Uniarts/SKH that I will put together and teach together with Áron Birtalan. It’s the first time I have the opportunity to create an entire course from scratch on university level and I think these five weeks will be great. If you are active in any performative…

  • Rest in peace Keith Johnstone

    Rest in peace Keith Johnstone

    I just heard that the improvisation guru Keith Johnstone (1933 – 2023) passed away. He visited Stockholm occasionally and worked with Susan Osten and others, which also meant that his work was translated and published in Swedish. I think his work was absolutely fundamental to bridge the world of games and theater and thereby making…

  • Teaching Processing at BTH

    Teaching Processing at BTH

    I’ve spent 3 weeks at Blekinge institute of technology, teaching coding to Digital Image students. I’ve been using Processing, which was designed by MIT to make interactive graphics, animations, and multimedia projects. One advantage of using Processing to teach coding is its simplicity. Processing is built on the Java programming language, but it has a…