MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game

Mobilized is a participatory performance exploring the power and potential of the smart phone. Rather than asking you to turn it off when entering the theatre, we ask you to keep it ready for use. Your phone will be the portal that takes you and other audience members into the constructed reality of the piece. The format is based on simple instructions and choices that appear on your screen through text, images and sound. The instructions shape different situations and collective movements. The piece is 45 min long and will be performed in English.


Made by: Nea Landin & Gabriel Widing

Sound design: Scott Cazan

Supported by: The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, DansPlats Skog, Site Sweden, Inter Arts Center, Nyxxx

2025 TOUR

  • Uniarts Helsinki, August. TBA.
  • Uniarts Stockholm for the BA in Dance
    2025-03-06 (Not public)

2024 TOUR

  • Riksteatern / Scenkonstdagar / Stockholm
  • SITE Specific Festival / Stockholm
  • Gatherings to disappear / symposium in Stockholm at Uniarts

2023 TOUR


One response to “MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game

  1. […] Mobilized is a participatory performance about power, mobile use, social media and collective movement. The audience’s bodies and imaginations shape the choreography as their phones guide them through the performance’s constructed reality. The format is based on simple instructions and choices that pop up on the screen through text, image and sound. These instructions form different situations and movements for participants to playfully explore. […]

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