Category: Video

  • Stans Dans

    Stans Dans

    I participated in a series of street performances doing contact improvisation in Stockholm, organised by Avart Dans & Rörelse. Stans Dans kan dyka upp i samband med tema dagar, utställningar, events, invigningar, mässor och happenings i olika slags miljöer. Som en del av ett större sammanhang, eller bara som ett överraskande moment t ex under…

  • Interventions for Exorcing Exoticism

    This is documentation from a performance produced by Gabriel Widing & Leo Nordwall at Exorcising Exoticism, Shin Kong Mitskoshi, Taipei, 2006. We have considered the theme of the exhibition carefully and found some specific entry points that we’d be interested in working with. The mall as normality. When entering a mall, certain social contracts are…