Tag: Improvisation

  • Rest in peace Keith Johnstone

    Rest in peace Keith Johnstone

    I just heard that the improvisation guru Keith Johnstone (1933 – 2023) passed away. He visited Stockholm occasionally and worked with Susan Osten and others, which also meant that his work was translated and published in Swedish. I think his work was absolutely fundamental to bridge the world of games and theater and thereby making…

  • Workshop at Portal 10 LARP Conference

    Workshop at Portal 10 LARP Conference

    The 10th Portal celebrates diversity and invites all larpers from North, East, South, West, to share their approaches, styles, cultures, and cardinal directions of larping. We don’t strive to be a compass that shows the right direction but a wind rose that showcases all the directions at the same time. There are no rights or…

  • 100 Dancers – It’s far from the studio to the streets

    100 Dancers – It’s far from the studio to the streets

    I’ve spent a week in Copenhagen at the 100 dancers workshop. The aim was to do improvised public dance performances. Although I haven’t had time to seriously think through what we did I have some thoughts that I want to share with the ones who were in the workshop as well as people interested in…

  • Dance to another song – widing@möte09

    Dance to another song – widing@möte09

    This is the möte09 dance, and this is how you do it: mote09.org Music by Pink Floyd, “Remember a Day”, 1968

  • Modern dans möter levande rollspel

    Modern dans möter levande rollspel

    Om du orkar släpa sig med till Norge så är du varmt välkommen på den här workshopen. Finns det intresse skulle jag även kunna göra något motsvarande i Stockholm. Kontaktimprovisasjon møter laiv Workshop med Gabriel Widing fra Interacting ArtsTid: Lørdag 2. juni 11 – 19Søndag 3. juni 12.30 – 19Sted: Rom for dans, Marstrandgt. 8,…