Tag: larp

  • Autonoma världar – magisteruppsats i estetik om levande rollspel

    Autonoma världar – magisteruppsats i estetik om levande rollspel

    Jag kom på att jag inte lagt upp min magisteruppsats i estetik från 2008. Den är faktiskt ganska bra och kan säkert vara av intresse för somliga. Den går att ladda ner från Södertörns högskola i PDF-format. Annars går den bra att kika på nedan. Jag använder bland annat Mellan himmel och hav samt Futuredrome…

  • “Enjoy it while it lasts”

    “Enjoy it while it lasts”

    All three books for the nordic live action role-playing (larp) conference Knudepunkt i now online as PDF. Each book has different approach, one of them being academic, another one documentary and a third one with more of a conversational style. I’ve contributed to the latter of them, with a short essay trying to read post-apocalyptic…

  • Documentation of Baader Meinhof eXperiment – black box edition

    Documentation of Baader Meinhof eXperiment – black box edition

    The norwegian scenario BMX was written to use the opportunity of two apartments in the same block inhabited by prominent larp writers and organizers;  on one hand Eirik Fatland & Li Xin and on the other hand Erlend Eidsem Hansen. This was the setup: Two rooms, next door : the security police and activists. One…

  • Turboscenarion

    Under Unga turs Paradisofestival gjorde jag, Martin Brodén och Ebba Petrén två workshops under rubriken Turboscenario. Nedan kommer lite dokumentation av de scenarion som växte fram. Inbjudan formulerade konceptet: Roller, scener, och dramaturgi produceras i rasande tempo med hjälp av olika metoder. Ta med laptop om du har. Vi har tillgång till teaterteknik, blackbox och…

  • Paradisofestivalen full av deltagarkultur!

    Jag vill tipsa om några kul tillställningar på Paradisofestivalen, som görs av Unga tur i Kärrtorp, Stockholm. Ebba Petrén som är projektledare står med en fot i teatervärlden och en i lajvsvängen, vilket skapat förutsättningar för ett spännande program som sätter “gränsen mellan publik och aktörer under lupp”. Här kommer ett urval! 6 augusti –…

  • Anthology on nordic live role-playing: Playing Reality

    Anthology on nordic live role-playing: Playing Reality

    Playing Reality is an anthology of articles on live role-playing, a new art form where the Nordic countries are at the front edge. It’s edited by Elge Larsson and published by Interacting Arts. This book covers a wide range of topics and genres, from practical advice, historical reviews and visions of possible futures to semiotic…

  • The Baader-Meinhof eXperiment Stockholm

    Vi hjälper Erlend Eidsen Hansen att sätta upp detta lysande scenario i Stockholm på tisdag. Det finns 20 platser och vi kör på Riksteatern i Hallunda. The Baader-Meinhof eXperiment Stockholm Two rooms, next door : the securitypolice and activists. One wall divides them – One focus tears them apart, ideology One group of participants plays…

  • 6 Common Mistakes in Live Role-playing Design

    6 Common Mistakes in Live Role-playing Design

    This article was published in the anthology Playing Reality by Interacting Arts 2010. DESIGNING LARPS IS A COMPLEX PROCESS and one must have courage to take on the responsibility of doing it. The players are demanding and bring creative power as well as infinite demands. I have assembled a few common mistakes that are made…

  • Playground Worlds, anthology finally online as PDF

    Playground Worlds, anthology finally online as PDF

    Playground Worlds. Creating and Evaluating Experiences of Role-Playing Games is finally here as pdf. It’s an ambitious collection of texts on live role-playing, edited by game researchers Markus Montola and Jaakko Stenros. There is plenty of interesting things to read. I contributed with a reflection under the title “We Lost Our World and Made New…

  • Alive and role-playing

    Alive and role-playing

    Published in lifelike (PDF) edited by Gade, Thorup, 2007. Live role-playing. For the last few years we have been talking and writing a lot about the latter part of the concept. The role-playing has been the main focus. We say live role-playing developed from talking- heads tabletop role-playing games. That is of course true in…

  • The Character, the Player and Their Shared Body

    The Character, the Player and Their Shared Body

    The article is written by Gabriel Widing & Tova Gerge, published in Role, Play, Art, edited by Thorbiörn Fritzon and Tobias Wrigstad,  in conjunction with the 10th Knutpunkt Convention in Sweden, 2006. What happens to our bodies when we give them to characters and place them in new environments and situations? Where do these memories…

  • Interacting Arts International Issue 2006 – Radical Role-Playing

    Interacting Arts International Issue 2006 – Radical Role-Playing

    A changed approach to moral concepts and view on society could lead to a sudden transformation of the role-playing hobby into a militant political movement. Örnstedt & Sjöstedt, De övergivnas armé In 1997 a book was published that caused moral panic in Sweden. It claimed that role-playing was a dangerous hobby – that it could…