Tag: play

  • In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    Inter Arts Center “a platform for artistic research and experimentation” are very into games and play these days. Me and Nea Landin performed Mobilized there at Immersive days #3: Agents in Play. In the aftermaths i had the pleasure of giving a short improvised talk and enter a dialogue with Christer Lundahl and Martina Seitl.…

  • Workshop at Portal 10 LARP Conference

    Workshop at Portal 10 LARP Conference

    The 10th Portal celebrates diversity and invites all larpers from North, East, South, West, to share their approaches, styles, cultures, and cardinal directions of larping. We don’t strive to be a compass that shows the right direction but a wind rose that showcases all the directions at the same time. There are no rights or…

  • An infinite scenario

    An infinite scenario

    I put together a short experimental scenario for my workshop at this year’s annual nordic larp (live role-playing) conference Knutepunkt, which I’m happy to share. It’s easy to brief and could probably be played in 15 minutes. Rules / tips Downloadable characters (and cut it in 9 separate cards/sheet) Post-dramatic role-playing? The idea is to…

  • Circle of Scent

    Circle of Scent

    This is a simple score for an aesthetic experience tied to our smelling senses. It’s not site, but audience specific in the sense that the experience will differ depending on whom the participants are. The Circle of Scent is realized through a few simple steps:

  • Kontaktimpro på fjället

    Kontaktimpro på fjället

    Sportlovsveckan var jag uppe i Åre och gjorde lite dansimprovisationer tillsammans med Sara och Elin Maria. Vi dansade i värmestugor, hotell och i backen. Det va en del av projektet Kulturgerillan som anordnades av Skistar och Vuxenskolan m fl. Bilderna togs av Simon Sjörén.

  • Labyrinthine workshop

    Labyrinthine workshop

    Intro, the participants standing in a circle with blindfolds on: We will walk through a labyrinth. It is created with inspiration from blueprints that I got from some people that spend a lot of time in the forests surrounding Stockholm. It is a story about courage and compassion, about lost souls seeking meaning and context.…

  • Maskplay, Jakobsberg

    Maskspel, Jakobsberg from Widing on Vimeo. This is a session from the reality game “Maskplay”. It was performed 21:st September 2008 in Stockholm suburb Jakobsberg. Plain documentation.

  • The Character, the Player and Their Shared Body

    The Character, the Player and Their Shared Body

    The article is written by Gabriel Widing & Tova Gerge, published in Role, Play, Art, edited by Thorbiörn Fritzon and Tobias Wrigstad,  in conjunction with the 10th Knutpunkt Convention in Sweden, 2006. What happens to our bodies when we give them to characters and place them in new environments and situations? Where do these memories…